Holy Week is a gift from God, if we're willing to receive it, to enter into it. What is required of us is to show up, to be present, to be open and ready to receive all that God wants to give us as we follow Jesus through these sacred days and sacred moments.  What I feel during this week is God's holy work of inscribing love in our hearts and growing us into the likeness of Christ. The liturgies of Holy Week make a difference.

One of my most cherished moments in this week--when this holy work feels so raw, so palpable--is during the three-hour service on Good Friday when seven members of St. Gregory's, not the clergy, reflect on Jesus' seven last words from the cross. There is such honesty and holy vulnerability in these meditations as each speaker reflects on what these words mean in their lives. Over the years, many of these meditations keep reverberating in my heart. This has made a difference in my life of faith. I give thanks for the voices from our congregation who over the years who have participated in this service. Come and see and listen this year as we take this journey with Jesus again. 

In Christ,


Dawn Rahicki